Underwater Sunlight marked the musical entry of Paul Haslinger in 1986. This record, wholly inspired by aquatic themes, was promoted during a British/American tour an spent one week in the UK Albums Chart.

“With Haslinger, the group relied more heavily on strict structures and jarring compositional flourishes, which is only appropriate, since he came directly from a classical background. The group hadn't quite figured out how to fully incorporate these techniques into their music, but the results on Underwater are nevertheless fascinating.”
– AllMusic

Tangerine Dream - Underwater Sunlight (1986)


StatusStudio Album
Release date1986
Playing time00:40:10
All Music byEdgar Froese, Paul Haslinger, Jerome Froese


01.Song Of The Whale Part 100:08:23
02.Song Of The Whale Part 200:10:52
03.Dolphin Dance00:05:05
04.Ride On The Ray00:05:35
05.Scuba Scuba00:04:22
06.Underwater Twilight00:05:51
Depending upon the medium, the indicated tracklist will vary in certain details.