For the first time ever, material from all four of the band's major creative periods is compiled in one box set.

Tracks from the 'Pink Years', the 'Virgin Years', the 'Blue Years' and the 'Melrose Years' are brought together on six CDs to form a definitive overview of two decades in the oeuvre of a band that shaped the history of popular music. As a further treat, the set contains unreleased studio and live material, disc six even encompassing a complete live set from Perth.

Tangerine Dream - I-Box (2000)


StatusStudio Album / Live (parts)
Recording date1970 - 1990
Release date2000
Playing time06:35:50
All Music byEdgar Froese, Chris Franke, Steve Schroyder, Peter Baumann, Johannes Schmoelling, Paul Haslinger, Ralf Wadephul, Jerome Froese

Tracklist CD 1

01.Alpha Centauri00:03:31
02.Fauni- Gena00:04:00
03.Birth of Liquid Plejades00:04:46
04.White Clouds00:04:25
05.Green Desert00:05:29
06.Astral Voyager00:06:13
07.Indian Summer00:06:44
08.Dolphin Dance00:05:04
09.Underwater Twilight00:05:53
11.The Night at Ayers Rock00:03:19
12.Logos (Red Part)00:06:14
14.No Man's Land00:07:30

Tracklist CD 2

02.Cinnamon Road00:04:17
03.Desert Dream00:04:02
04.Logos (Velvet Part)00:05:58
07.Monolight (Yellow Part)00:07:18
09.Ride on a Ray00:05:16
10.Pergamon (Piano Part)00:05:00
11.Central Park00:03:37

Tracklist CD 3

01.Zen Garden00:04:45
02.Yellowstone Park00:06:12
03.Livemiles (Green Trail Part)00:06:21
04.Gaudi Park00:05:20
05.Alchemy of the Heart00:05:49
06.Song of the Whale (Part 1)00:05:01
07.Tyger (William Blake Poem)00:05:34
08.Bois de Bologne00:05:15
10.Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)00:05:13
11.Song of the Whale (to Dusk)00:05:59
12.The Cliffs of Sydney00:05:39

Tracklist CD 4

01.Warsaw in the Sun (live)00:04:36
02.Polish Dance (live)00:05:51
03.Melrose (live)00:05:45
04.Electric Lion (live)00:08:13
05.Longing for Cashba00:07:39
06.Cool at Heart (live)00:06:09
07.Sungate (live)00:04:46
08.Marakesh (live)00:08:21
09.Ivory Town00:04:34
10.Cat Scan (live)00:05:36
11.Ghazal (live)00:04:59
12.The Midnight Trail (live)00:05:46

Tracklist CD 5

01.Too Hot for my Chinchilla00:03:45
02.Unicorn Saga (live)00:03:56
03.Lily on the Beach (live)00:04:14
04.Storm Seekers00:05:27
05.Mount Shasta (live)00:04:25
06.Exit (live)00:04:32
07.Akash Deep00:07:25
08.Crystal Curfew (live)00:05:00
09.Cool Shibuya00:03:53
10.Alaskan Summer (live)00:03:34
11.Long Island Sunset (live)00:06:58
12.Rolling Down Cahuenga00:06:43
13.Iguana (live)00:05:34

Tracklist CD 6

01.Dream Yards (The Perth Tapes)00:45:35
Depending upon the medium, the indicated tracklist will vary in certain details.